Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I measured that there mountain with this here yellow stick!

While this field season includes a variety of different projects, much of Catherine's work has revolved around detailed stratigraphic sections.  This work entails walking perpendicular to the beds and measuring the thickness of each layer.  This quickly becomes complicated as beds dip and tilt at odd angles to the direction that one is walking.  We attempt to correct for this change in the layers formation by tilting the measuring stick at an angle parallel to the beds and sighting a point on the ground.  Then you walk to that sighted location and repeat the previous steps.  Such is the process we followed in order to reach the top of the hill in the background of this picture.  Just a a side note, it was a damp, cold, super windy day when we did this work.  Two words . . . Hard Core!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It seems like alot of work and very tiring.

  3. This deffinetly seems like alot of work and challenging! But it does seem like fun. Yes,Fun-work.

  4. I have a hard time reading rulers...would it have been hard for me to have read "The Yellow Stick"? (it's also a really really long ruler...that would have been hard for me...) Did you have a hard time?

  5. how long did it take you t odo this work? how much data di you have to colect from the mesuring? how accurate do you tink your work was? I dont think i would want to do that kind of work it sound exhausting.
